#DeafTalent, getting better representation on the big screen
For many years, deaf and hard-of-hearing talent was overlooked for deaf character roles in both films and TV shows. Instead, most Hollywood directors and producers decided to cast hearing …

Closed Captioning or Subtitling – What’s the Difference?
After a long day, you must be looking forward to relaxing. How do you rest your mind? If you are like us, you might load up your favorite show …

Hearing Loss Isn’t the Only Reason for Closed Captioning and Subtitles
The World Health Organization estimates there are 360 million people worldwide who suffer from disabling hearing loss. That’s more than five percent of the world population, and about 42 …

Everyday Life Hacks to Learning Any Language
Becoming multilingual has a number benefits beyond those that are immediately obvious. For example, cognitive benefits can include improving brainpower, delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s, increasing concentration and reducing …